It ain't much, but its all I got! I am a closet stamper. I have a largish walkin closet in our office that I have taken over as my place. I am bursting at the seams and have some overflow (lets not go there

), but

almost everything I need is at my finger tips. My husband ran electricity so I have an outlet to plug in my heat gun or my glue gun, or light table if I need them. Its a nice little spot for me for now. Someday I will probabaly take over the whole office, but I am not ready for that just yet. I am trying to keep rubber stamping my hobby not my whole life. I have a fear I will completely go crazy and buy up everything I see if I have more space. Trying to be a good girl and limit myself so the kids can eat and go to college someday LOL. After they are out of the house........I may go crazy and take over the house! Here a few photos of my space: Disclaimer.....Its not all that clean but its works for me this way!

I think you have great space, I love all that ribbon!
Your space is great Karen, and it's so organized!!! And I love all your pretty ribbons!! Hee hee!
You have a lot of good stuff in that closet. You make excellant use of your space.
It's cute and cozy and it works for you. You make the most amazing things in that little space, wow!
Awesome space Karen!!
I get a ton of blog feeds and thought yours was my SU lady. go to her site and check out her photo. You could be sisters!!
well, stupid me-I forgot the link!
Wow, thats a whole lot of stuff!
I do envy have so much goodies etc :)You´re lucky!
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