Today my

Scrapbook Crossing sent out its weekly email. I saw that they had the 6x6 Basic Grey Paper Pads in stock. I usually wait until they are sold out but
Jody called and told me to go get them or call and have them hold them for me. For the first time ever, I got all 4 new paper pads before they ran out! Yeah for me! The added bonus was I had a full punch card that entitled me to 10.00 my

total so it was like getting them on sale! Woohoo! They also had the new Making Memories Shimmer Brads, Petal Brads and Button Brads........they were too cute not to get! I am sooo happy!
These are so cool!!! you know what you should do with them don't you???Send them to me of course!!! *giggle*
Wow, I love how you shop girl!
I got 3 of the pads, I was all giddy in the store....the girl looked at me funny and DH rolled his eyes!
dude! Our stupid scrap store STILL DOESN"T HAVE the BG! I had to order mine!
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