When I fist started collecting them I ordered a clear acrylic marker holder from copic but it really only works for the original(square) ones. Because I love A Muse so much, I thought I was going to buy all originals. Well once I got started I realized that I liked the sketch copics better. They wobble in the acrylic holder and didn't stay put very well. Then I started buying too many to fit in the case for 72. So I had them stuffed in between the slots...it was a mess. I knew my friend Jody had bought a set of cubes from Office Max that had a big X in the middle and so I started looking for them. They are 6x6" cubes that have a metal clip you can use to hook them together. I went to my Office max store and they were no longer available, then I tried Office Depot and Target looking for them. No one had them. They are made by Rubbermaid so I thought they would be easy to find. Nope! I ended up ordering them online. I hate paying postage but I wasn't having any luck finding them. I have to say, Office Max has incredibly fast shipping, like almost overnight. Now when I look at my Copics divided up by color group, I realize I need more LOL! I am really lacking neutrals and I never have the right shade of green either. I have no idea what I will do with my acrylic copic holder so for now it is sitting on top of the blocks on its side and I am sticking a few frequently used inks on it.
If anyone needs an acrylic copic holder for Original(square) markers let me know, maybe we can trade something.