This is sugar. He is Blake's rabbit. He is the crazziest little rabbit I have ever seen. He loves to jump and spin while running. We actually walk him on a leash. He is not afraid of ou
r dog at all and they have this love affair thing going on. I hope they do , I mean one bite and that rabbit is history. Mystery is the dog's name. I am crazy about this dog. She is very shy and sweet and very well behaved. Her only fault is she sheds her fur in huge amounts and so I shave her about twice a year. She looks rediculous shaved but she is way too hot and hairy if I don't. I had another dog that died last April after having her for 16yrs, and I never would say I liked Mystery when she was alive. Annie was very special to me and I always considered her my firstborn. She was the most lovable, sweet natured, smart dog I had ever had. I miss her horribly and wish she could have lived forever.
This is the only picture I can find right this second of Annie. It was taken a few christmases ago at my mom's house. The little mop of a dog that is also in the shot is my mom's dog, Fancy. Fancy is probably one of the ugliest dogs I have ever seen LOL. Its not a good picture of her but she is a smooshed face dog. Her breed is 1/2 pomaranian, and 1/2 Japanese Chin. She mostly looks like a chin. She has been loosing her teeth and my mom couldn't deal with all the fur so she had her shaved. LOL. Not a pretty site. She is a sweet little dog, if you are a fan of little dogs. As you can see, we are dog people. My whole family. Not a cat in anyones family. My sister has a dog too, her name is Roxie RooRoo- a very goofy name for a dog. The dog is goofy too. She is a mix of maltese and poodle so that makes her a maltypoo. LOL. I like saying Maltypoo! I have apic someplace of Roxie but I think she was a tiny puppy. I really don't feel like looking for it right now. Anyway, this post was mostly about me and how I am a pet lover. They make me happy. Rubber stamps make me happy, my family makes me happy, food makes me happy. I am really blessed to have such a great family, even the 4 legged ones.

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