Monday, July 30, 2007

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Saturday, July 28, 2007
More Daring to get Dirty

I am still trying to do these challenges over at SCS. Its slow for me, I am interrupted every few minutes with stuff to do so I am slightly frustrated. I really hoped to complete atleast 4 of the challenges oday but it looks like its going to run over into Sunday and Sunday will run over to Monday ect.... Its really fun!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Combined challenges
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Dare to get Dirty Challenges
Back home again

Here we are at my moms house enjoying this little birdie she found. Still no answer as to where it came from. No signs up in her neighborhood reporting it lost yet either. It *may* be named Pico....spicey in Spanish. It is very sweet and colorful, and no, it did not come home with us! DH has put his foot down and will not let us bring it home. We shall see after he meets it August 8th whether or not he agrees to let it come home with us. DD is working it!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Polly want a cracker?

ok, we are the luckiest or unluckiest people ever depending on who you ask. My mom got a little surprise today on her porch. This little Conure was hiding from the rain and decided it liked my mom. So my mom holds out her hand and it hops right on her and then walks up and nestles on her shoulder. Its a runaway but obviously been hand trained and is highly social. So here is where is gets tricky. She wants to give it to my daughter that has been begging for a bird for years. She went and got a cage for it and everything. DD is already calling it her bird. Well, hubby comes home and I try to break it to him over a nice juicy steak and he looks right at me and says, "NO bird, I already told ya'll no more rescuing animals.... I mean it , no bird unless of course you get rid of the rabbits, then you can have the bird." Now DS is crying "no one is taking my rabbit" and DD is oblivious because she is in her room watching a movie with her friend that came over. So now I either have to go and catch the wrath of both my mom and daughter, or I get to spend a few days trying to convince DH that a bird really isn't that bad of a pet. I have a feeling that this bird will get to live with my sister because DH was not acting like he would ever change his mind. Ohhhh why me why me?
Sunday, July 22, 2007
What's up with me

Friday, July 20, 2007

Okay, Jody , challenged me to make a card after she spotted a cute layout on SCS. This is thecard. I have some new Amuse images too that I have been wanting to use and have been struggling with them. Looks like I am still struggleing. LOL. I am sorry this is so ugly, in my mind it was going so well, on paper, not so much.I am too cheap to waste CS so I tend to go ahead and finish a card even if its bad. I tried Jody.........maybe I will give it another shot later.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Rockin' Bloggered

Okay.........she got me, Jody Morrow at http://confessionsofaribbonaddict.blogspot.com/ I have been Rocked or whatever that means LMBO!
1. Amanda - http://inkspirations.blogspot.com/
2. Cyndi - http://mylittlestampinheaven.blogspot.com/
3. Dorinda - http://inkypapermenagerie.blogspot.com/index.html
5. Kristin - http://artfullyinking.blogspot.com/
Okay you girls are tagged , or rocked or whatever that means!
Vegas Baby!!!

Anyone who knows me, knows I have a great love for Las Vegas. Well my screen name is Gamblemom so you know, that gives it away. My hubby came home 3 nights ago saying he talked to an old friend and they were asking when we wanted to go to Vegas with them. We never turn down an offer to join friends in Vegas........I mean never. I just happened to have a travel voucher for Southwest airlines that was burning a hole in my pocket. So I called my mom first because if we don't have kid sitters , we can't go. The kids are getting old enough to fend for themselves but not overnight and for 4 days. She said yes. So then next on the list is checking our free-be comps. We have been player club members for Harrahs properties for years and we have built up an enormous amount of points on our Harrahs credit card. So I logged in and wouldn't you know it.....3 nights free at Paris was offered. Wooohoooo! I love Paris. Now we have Half price airfare and a free hotel room. Its on baby! Our friends are staying at a different hotel and are traveling at different times but its ok. We will meet up with them once we all arrive.
We probably have enough points to eat free all 4 days too. So all our money can got towards entertainment! I love to play slots and video poker. Hubby loves Craps and Blackjack. We usually split up and play then regroup off and on throughout the day. I am so excited! We haven't been since last October and hadn't thought we would go back until October again. We will still be going atleast once more this year and during football season with different friends. Hubby and his friends love to place college football bets, sit in the sportsbook and watch games all day. I go and do my own thing and I am happy about it. Just so much fun!!!!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Todays Color Challenge

*DD has my camera so this image was scanned....I sure can tell the difference*
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Priceless Determination
Saturday, July 14, 2007
To sponge or Not to Sponge...

That is the question. I can't stop stamping with this set....I may have an addiction to Basic Grey, both the paper and the color. Hope you don't get sick of seeing these colors because I love them. Pomagranite is the red that Cranberry failed to achieve in my book. Love it! Anyway, no sponging won in the end here. I normally dirty up the edges of everything.
Priceless River Rock

Simple but uses new stuff LOL. I love River Rock and think it may be my favorite of the new in colors. There is a learning curve using that new embossing plate...the holes are smaller than my piercer. I ended up free handing parts of the pierced chocolate section. Love that So Swirly wheel. I wish the piercing photographed better. It shows up in real life.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Beate's sketch challenge #10

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
What I have been up too
Here is what I have been doing for a few days while visiting Jody for a few days. She has the most amazing collection of stamps to choose from. It really gets you stamping in new ways to try new stamp styles. I am not usually particular about my choice in brands, I am an equal opportunity stamper...I love them all. So here we go.
* These images are from Innovative Stamp creations.
*These are from Starving Artstamps
Here is a Bella...Hugabella
I have been busy having fun but now I am on my way home. So sad to leave my stampin' friend. I will be home later in mourning ....
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Live, from El Paso,Texas
I am currently at Jody Morrows house in El Paso for a visit. We have been stamping and I will have some samples to show you soon. Be home tomorrow.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Thank You cards

Wednesday, July 04, 2007
New Catty CASE

I was looking through the new SU catty and saw this card using this set. I loved it. I cased it but tweeked it a little to make it my own. Broke out the new MM Tag maker too. I love this set and need to use it more. I am seeing so many samples in the new catty that have my stampin' brain thinking again. Have a good day.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Happy Independence Day Everyone!
Penny Black Modesty

Todays SCS color challenge is Pink, Olive and Chocolate! Now pink and brown are 2 of my favorite colors but olive is not my favorite green. Never have used it much. The main stamp image is from Penny Black and is called Modesty. I have had some trouble using this stamp even though I love it. It seems to want to be a background stamp for me most of the time. I guess its the size. I used markers to color. I also highlighted the image using Sakura Clear glitter pen. Hope you like it.
Monday, July 02, 2007
The new SU Catty!
I got it I got it I got it! I already placed a 355.00 order too. I had to hold myself back from getting everything I want. There is plenty more in that catty that is calling my name! I figure I can get the rest eventually. I really need to place a 150.00 order in September because I want that Level one hostess set that matches the tab punches. LOL. I can easily find 150.00 more that I want!
I am celebrating the sell of our home in South Austin.....we were able to get 6000.00 over our asking price after we had multiple offers come in. We are very happy!
I am celebrating the sell of our home in South Austin.....we were able to get 6000.00 over our asking price after we had multiple offers come in. We are very happy!
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Home again
Whew! We have been gone alot this summer. We spent the night in Dallas on Saturday to attend a wedding of a friend. We took the kids and left them in the hotel room while we went downstairs to the reception. They ordered room service and rented movies while we partied like rockstars in the ballroom. We all had fun. Today we have been doing battle in the realestate business and I am exhausted. Our old home that we have used as rental property for 4 years, went on the market for sale on Saturday and we had multiple offers. We declined the offers and told the buyers we would except the highest offer we could get on Monday by 6pm. Talk about gambling!!!!We could lose both offers or we could get more than our asking price. Its a gamble we are willing to take! It is scary though. Four years ago we couldn't give the house away and now its a hot bed of activity. Keep us in your prayers......we need to sell this house in order to help pay for college for our kids. We weren't able to start saving for them when they were little, just not enough money then.But now our daughter is a quick 2 years from entering college and yikes! Its too late now! Anyway, I am going through the new SU catty online and trying to come up with an affordable size order. I am not sure I can do it. I want everything!
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