Anyone who knows me, knows I have a great love for Las Vegas. Well my screen name is Gamblemom so you know, that gives it away. My hubby came home 3 nights ago saying he talked to an old friend and they were asking when we wanted to go to Vegas with them. We never turn down an offer to join friends in Vegas........I mean never. I just happened to have a travel voucher for Southwest airlines that was burning a hole in my pocket. So I called my mom first because if we don't have kid sitters , we can't go. The kids are getting old enough to fend for themselves but not overnight and for 4 days. She said yes. So then next on the list is checking our free-be comps. We have been player club members for Harrahs properties for years and we have built up an enormous amount of points on our Harrahs credit card. So I logged in and wouldn't you know it.....3 nights free at Paris was offered. Wooohoooo! I love Paris. Now we have Half price airfare and a free hotel room. Its on baby! Our friends are staying at a different hotel and are traveling at different times but its ok. We will meet up with them once we all arrive.
We probably have enough points to eat free all 4 days too. So all our money can got towards entertainment! I love to play slots and video poker. Hubby loves Craps and Blackjack. We usually split up and play then regroup off and on throughout the day. I am so excited! We haven't been since last October and hadn't thought we would go back until October again. We will still be going atleast once more this year and during football season with different friends. Hubby and his friends love to place college football bets, sit in the sportsbook and watch games all day. I go and do my own thing and I am happy about it. Just so much fun!!!!!
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you've been tagged! Check out my blog for details on how to play!
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